Monday, April 20, 2009

The Role of Teachers and Their Basic Problems

Education and educating children is one of the greatest services that are being provided by teachers. Education is very vital for anything. The role of teachers becomes an important component and in one way, they are the nation builders. They are the basic foundation for any student.

A good teacher tends to create good impact on students. Students tend to follow their teacher in every way like manners, style etc. The teacher becomes a sort of model for the students. For teachers, it becomes important to have professional competence as well as good moral characters.

As parent’s expectations are high, it becomes very challenging for teachers. On account of the challenging environment, there are numerous problems faced by teachers.

Some of the major problems are:
-Bad discipline of students
-Poor Performance by Students
-Student Absenteeism
-Attitude Problems of Students
-Lack of Ambition to perform well
-Low Self Confidence
-No support from parents
-No respect for teachers etc.

Teachers become accountable for everything.

With rapid advancement of science and technology, internet has been growing at a tremendous pace. It becomes very much necessary to keep up with the latest technology as well as information.

Now Webinars and Web Conferencing have become a great medium for personal coaching as well as learning online. There are many webinar courses like teaching conducted through webinars. The main goal of teaching webinar or webinar training is to improve your teaching efficiency and help you to find solutions to everyday problems encountered in schools.

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